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The major ones were:

Shiloh - Grant caught off-guard, but recovered

Antietam - unexpected Union win, enabled by pure chance

Vicksburg - ended the war in the West

Gettysburg - ended Lee's hopes of invading the North

Chattanooga - Grant broke a desperate Confederate siege

Atlanta - largely helped Lincoln win re-election

Mobile - blockade-runners' port closed to the Confederates

Nashville - a Confederate army totally routed

Petersburg - end of a 10-month siege, leaving Richmond undefended

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Q: How many battles did the confederacy lose during the civil war?
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What battles did the union lose during the civil war?

Bull Run (1st & 2nd) The Seven Days Battles Fredericksburg Chancellorsville Chickamauga The Wilderness Coldharbour

What happened between NC and the Confederacy?

North Carolina vs. the Confederacy! The Confederacy was trying to North Carolina (NC) to stay with the Confederacy. The Union was nicest to NC so, the Confederacy could lose one of it's states or possibly see if NC could help make the Confederacy give up and let the Union win! At the end of the Civil War, the Union wins anyway!!! The Civil war lasted for six years (1860-1865). NC is still with the Confederacy after the Civil War is done with. After the Civil War, they start Reconstruction to rebuild the Union and the Confederacy!There are seven Confederacy States and twenty-one Union starts durign the Civil War!!! -Christy

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The Confederacy won the First Battle of Bull Run.

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Unless you are talking about Vietnam, the North Won! The Union, the north won, while the South confederacy lost

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they lose when t old tom fool died

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