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Only two: Antietam and Gettysburg

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Q: How many battles were in the union territory?
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Did any civil war battles take place in union territory?

Yes--Gettysburg, for one.

How many battles did the union win during the US Civil War?

219 battles were won by the Union.

How did the civil war end were there any battles in Boston?

General Lee surrendered to the Union at Appomattox Courthouse after the Union had taken much of the South. Many rebels continued to fight until eliminated and others took an oath to the Union. Some continued on to be outlaws, and the KKK was born as well. Boston, to my knowledge, was not the place of any battles. Most battles were fought in Southern territory.

Where did the union lose many battles?


How many battles did Custer win?

George Custer fought in a total of 15 battles as a part of the United States Union. Of those 15 battles George Custer and his union won 9.

In the civil war the union last many battles in the?


How many battles did george Custer win?

George Custer fought in a total of 15 battles as a part of the United States Union. Of those 15 battles George Custer and his union won 9.

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How many battles did Abraham Lincoln win in the civil war?

The Union lost three battles of the Civil War

What is union territory called in kannada?

Union Territory

Who was the leader of the union of the Gettysburg battle?

because the south was over with all the wars in there territory so they pushed north to make all the battles in the north.

Was Tennessee a part of the union or confederacy?

Tennessee was Confederate state. However the people of the state were divided and many joined the Union army. Its capital, Nashville, fell early to the Union advance but many big and important battles were fought in the state. Many of the Union supporters in Tennessee were located in the eastern part of the state.