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Yes--Gettysburg, for one.

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Q: Did any civil war battles take place in union territory?
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How did the civil war end were there any battles in Boston?

General Lee surrendered to the Union at Appomattox Courthouse after the Union had taken much of the South. Many rebels continued to fight until eliminated and others took an oath to the Union. Some continued on to be outlaws, and the KKK was born as well. Boston, to my knowledge, was not the place of any battles. Most battles were fought in Southern territory.

Where were most of the battles in the US Civil War?

contrary to popular belief that the whole civil war took place in america, a mojority of the battles took place in Canada and if it wasn't for those battles the union would never had stood a chance in the war.

How many battles did the union win during the US Civil War?

219 battles were won by the Union.

The civil war was fought mostly on northern territory?

No. Although major battles such as Antietam and Gettysburg took place in Northern states (Maryland, Pennsylvania), the vast majority of battles took place during the invasion of the South by Union forces.

How many battles did Abraham Lincoln win in the civil war?

The Union lost three battles of the Civil War

What US Civil War battles were fought in Idaho territory?

There was only one US Civil War battle that took place in Idaho which was called the Massacre at Boa Ogoi. The Massacre at Boa Ogoi took place on January 29, 1863. It is often referred to as the Bear River Massacre. ( it was in the Washington Territory at the time) Native American Shoshone forces massacred by Union troops.

How many battles were in the union territory?

Only two: Antietam and Gettysburg

In what state did most of the Civil War battles take place?

{| |- | The largest number of battles took place in Virginia. The state was the capital of the Confederacy. Richmond was about 100 miles away from Washington DC, which was the capital of the Union. |}

In the civil war the union last many battles in the?


Which battles of civil war were fought on Union Territory?

Gettysburg was the only battle fought in Pennsylvania. And Antietam (Sharpsburg) was the only significant battle fought in Maryland. Every other battle of any consquence was in Southern territory.

Were there any battles during the civil war in which the union was outnumber?

Yes. There were battles in the Civil War where union forces were outnumbered. When we study the battles in school, we generally stick to the major ones. There were many others. In a number of those, there were more confederates than Union solders.

Where did most of the US Civil War battles take place?

Except for the battles in Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) and in Maryland, most of the battles took place in the South. While initially this included attacks in Virginia, later Union expeditions ranged from Texas and Missouri in the West to the cities of the mid-South, including Sherman's "March to the Sea" after burning Atlanta.