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That really depended on the food they found or were given. I would guess that it was far less than the recommended 2,200 a day.

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Q: How many calories a day did Jews have in the ghetto?
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How many calories were the jew's allowed to have in the ghettos?

The Nazis believed that the Jews only needed 186 calories a day.

How did the Ghetto's prepare the Jews for deportation?

They were generally warned at least a day before that they would be deported.

What was the Warsaw food allowance for germanspolesand Jews?

Under Nazi occupation the Warsaw food allowance for Germans Poles and Jews was vastly different. The Germans were given the highest food rations while Poles and Jews were given lower rations. Below is a breakdown of the food allowance for each group: Germans: 1400 calories per day Poles: 800 calories per day Jews: 400 calories per dayThe low food rations for Poles and Jews led to widespread malnutrition hunger and even starvation in the Jewish Ghetto of Warsaw. This was part of the Nazi plan of extermination through starvation for Jews in occupied territories.

What was the average intake of calories of Jews in the Holocaust?

The calorie intake was varied, but the majority was about 1,000 calories per day.

What was the Jewish ghetto of Venice?

A ghetto is described as a "portion of a city in which members of a minority group live; especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure." The Venice ghetto for Jews actually has a substantial history, being first established in 1516. It was fairly short-lived however, and Napoleon disbanded the ghetto when he invaded. Later, when Italy was officially formed as a state, all rights were restored to Jews and they were considered equal and full citizens. Many chose to remain in the ghetto however. When WWII erupted, Hitler's troops rounded up 247 members of the Venetian Jewish ghetto and "deported" them. Only 8 ever came back. At the end of WWII, the ghetto was returned to a free area and citizenship was restored to Jews. To this very day, between 500 and 2000 Jews still call the Venetian ghetto home. This is in fact where the word "ghetto" came from. In old Venetian dialect, "ghetto" means "foundry" and in 1516 when this area of isolation was established for the Jewish residents, it was built on top of an abandoned foundry. The term soon spread across Europe and became the common word we know today.

how many calories should you have per day?

2000 calories per day is great

How many calories should a 32 year old eat a day?

For a man, about 2,000 calories a day. For a woman, about 1,800 calories a day.

How many calories can you burn in 1 day?

15,000 calories

How many times a day do Jews worship?

Jews pray 3 times a day.

How many calories should come from fat per day?

2000 calories per day

How many calories should you lose per day?

at least 300 calories per day

How many calories does a teenage girl need per day?

2000 calories per day