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Q: How many calories are in whole steamed broccoli spears?
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What part of broccoli could you eat?

You can eat the whole thing.

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eat a whole bunch of it, you'll get used to the taste ;)

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One whole pineapple contains about 230-250 calories, on average.

What part of broccoli plant is actually broccoloi?

The whole plant is Broccoli. RThe part you eat is the curd in the middle which is actually the flower buds.

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Does cooking broccoli negate the fiber benefits?

Strictly speaking, yes, it does break down some of the fiber. That said, unless you boil the broccoli until falls to pieces, you do not lose that much nutritional value. If broccoli is cooked right, the fiber will be partially broken down so it can actually be digested easier than if it were raw. A small percentage of fiber is broken down beyond use, but as a whole it is still very healthy for you.The best balance between healthy and cooked? Steaming. A quick steam over simmering water until the broccoli starts to look bright green, to be precise. It will still have a slight crispness to it but be soft enough to easily eat and it will get rid of the nasty raw-flavour. Personally, I hate raw broccoli but I love steamed broccoli.

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210 calories.

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The greatest girl in this whole entire world.

How many calories in 15 raw whole cashews?

It depends on the size.For example, there are approximately:128 calories in 15 small, raw, whole cashews153-157 calories in 15 large, raw, whole, cashew nuts.