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It all depends on the exercise that you do.

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Q: How many calories do you burn doing exercise?
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It depends on weight time your doing it and speed sometimes even heat!

How many calories does exercise burn?

It greatly depends on the intensity and duration of the exercise you do.

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How many calories should a person burn?

How many calories you burn with exercise depends on how hard you exercise and how much you weigh. The more vigorous the exercise, the more calories per hour you can burn. Cross-country skiing, jogging and swimming are exercises that burn a significant number of calories per hour.

How many calories do you burn doing cardio exercise for an hour?

That depends upon your your degree of cardiovascular fitness, your weight, your age, your body composition and what cardio exercise you choose.

Do isometric exercises burn a lot of calories?

Isometric exercise will not burn very many calories. While it does burn some, it is a strength training exercise, whereas something like sit ups or running burns calories.

How many calories should you burn in a day?

200 Calories if you do 1 hr exercise

How many calories do you burn doing jack hammers?

depends on how many obviously the more you do the more calories you burn

How many calories do you burn in 30 minutes of exercise?

It will depend on the intensity of your performance and the type of exercise you do.