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Depends on how long you do it for.

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Q: How many calories does running on the spot burn?
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Does running on the spot give you as much as running?

No it doesnt you need to move your legs so you can use all of your leg muscles which causes you to burn more calories otherwise you are only using your calf muscles

How far would you have to walk if you wanted to burn off a slice of pizza?

I wouldn't walk. Jacks on the spot burn calories quicker. Having sex burns 5 calories a minute - more if it's vigorous and wild :)

How many crunches do you need to do to lose 8 ounces of belly fat?

There is no such thing as spot reduction. You cannot reduce fat only in your abdomen by doing crunches. Unfortunately, that is not how it works. You must lose total body fat to have less fat in your stomach, so burn more calories than you're taking in. Crunches help burn some calories, and help define your stomach muscles, but will not burn fat just in that area.

How do you get rid of dark spot on your leg?

burn it loli burn it loli

How can you lose weight in your tighs?

There is no way to spot reduce. When you lose weight, the weight comes from your entire body at the same time. Taking in fewer calories than you burn in energy is the only way to do this.

Does running on the spot give you as much exercise as running normally?


If you run 30 mins each day how much can you lose?

Your personal burn rate will be dependent on a lot of things, but let's say a 30 minute run uses up around 300 calories. In food, that's about 2/3 of a cupcake's worth of calories. A well accepted average states that you need to lose about 3,500 calories to lose one pound. So if your eating is SPOT ON, then 30 minutes of running daily would lose you one pound every 12 days or so. If your eating ISN'T spot on - maybe you're eating, say a cupcake's worth of calories MORE than what you actually need, then you won't lose any weight, despite the running. So you see, any serious attempt at weight loss has to start with getting your eating well under control.

What is running on the spot?

jogging in place

Are nuts good to burn belly fat?

Not really. You can't spot-burn fat. Doesn't matter what you eat or what you do. Only thing that'll spot reduce is liposuction.

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family, loves arsenal, running

How do you remove burn spot from pressure treated wood?

sand paper

How much is 11 pounds when you lose weight?

Depends what you mean by how much. 11 pounds is 38500 calories, meaning you have to burn that many more calories than you consume. You can look at or try to carry around 11 pounds of butter (it comes in 1 pound blocks) to see what it may look or feel like. Remember when you lose weight, the fat comes off all over not just in one spot.