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Q: How many calories would a 156 lbs guy have to consume to gain weight?
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Do you gain weight because of drinking?

You gain weight when you consume more calories than your body burns. Alcohol has a lot of calories. If you don't increase the amount of exercise you get to balance the increase in calories you will gain weight from drinking.

How many calories do you need to consume a day to gain weight?

3,600 calories (consumed in one day) will equal one pound of weight gained.

What happens if the calories you eat are equal to the calories you need per day?

If you eat the same number of calories per day that are equal to the calories you need per day you would maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less calories then you burn. To gain weight you must consume more calories you burn. Most humans will burn 2800 calories even in the most sedentary state.

How many pounds will you lose if you eat beef?

A calorie is a calorie, no matter what source you get it from. That is, if you consume more calories than you burn, then you will gain weight; if you consume less calories than you burn, then you will lose weight.

If you eat pass 7 o clock do you gain weight?

No. You gain weight if you consume too many calories for your height, age, activity level, sex and specific weight.

Are rice cause make man fats?

Nope… If you are maintaining your calories by eating rice, you won’t gain weight else without taking rice if you consume more calories definitely you will gain weight. Weight gain depends up on our calorie intake and how many calories we are giving up.

Can raw egg make you gain weight?

Anytime you consume for calories in a day than you expend, its possible to gain weight. A calorie is a calorie. Raw egg alone will not make you gain weight unless you eat more calories a day than you burn.

What are the best weight gain diets?

In my year of experience I have learned that the best way to gain weight is to consume small, frequent meals throughout the day. This keeps your metabolism going and allows you to consume more calories.

Can Ensure and Boost drinks help you gain weight?

Yes. Anything with calories can help you gain weight. It's probably easier to drink more liquids than consume solids, so caloric beverages such as these would make it easier to include more calories.

How do you gain weight for 10 year old girl?

Eat protein and carbohydrates. If you consume more calories than you burn then you'll gain weight that way too.

What is the result when you consume more calories than the rda?

You gain weight unless your exercise levels counter this or you are ectomorphic.

Whats the better method to gain weight is it to eat 3 big meals or 6 small meals?

Either method will result in weight gain if the total calories you consume are the same.