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Carbon dioxide participate in respiration. Carbon dioxide has i carbon atom. So 1 carbon atoms go into respiration.

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Q: How many carbon atoms go into respiration?
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How is carbon released from the body of an animal?

you go to the bathroom

How many carbon atoms are there in a molecule of maltose?

12. Click on 'related links' below and go to the wikipedia page on maltose

What evidence indicates that plants can produce carbon dioxide through the cellular respiration?

When plants go through cellular respiration, they use carbon dioxide and emit oxygen as a waste product. There is no evidence that plants also produce carbon dioxide.

how are photosynthesis and carbon related?

The Carbon Cycle is a complex series of processes through which all of the carbon atoms in existence rotate. As both photosynthesis and cellular respiration use carbon atoms in their reactions (6 CO2 + 6 H2O (+ light energy) C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 and C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O, respectively) both play a fundamental role in the carbon cycle.

Can carbon link to itself and other elements to form very large molecule structures?

Carbon atoms have four valence electrons, so they can form covalent bonds with as many as four other atoms. Carbon atoms can bond with each other to form chains or rings. The carbon atoms in these chains and rings can also connect with atoms of other elements to form the basic units of most biomolecules.

How does carbon dioxide go back to the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide goes back to the atmosphere through respiration, the decomposition of plants and animals, and combustion.

What are the two gases that are exchanged during the breathing process?

The function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. You breath in air that is rich in oxygen and your lungs move it into the blood to go throughout your body. Then your lungs extract carbon dioxide from the blood and you breath it out.

How go photosynthesis and respiration work together in the biosphere?

Photosynthesis takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Resperation takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

How does photosynthesis and cellular respiration relate to global warming?

well it is said that plants can help stop global warming. So, they have photosynthesis and do cellular respiration to take in carbon dioxide and make it oxygen. global warming has to do with carbon dioxide. there you go! :)

Do all living things produce carbon dioxide?

No, not all living things produce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is produced mainly through the process of cellular respiration in organisms that use oxygen to break down organic molecules for energy. Plants, for example, produce oxygen through photosynthesis rather than carbon dioxide.

What relationship between photosynthesis and photo respiration?

Photosynthesis is the process of turning carbon dioxide and water (using light) into energy and oxygen. This process happen in autotrophic cells during the day. At night they go through respiration where they turn oxygen into carbon dioxide.

Which energy system has bi-products of carbon dioxide heat and water?

Cell Respiration is like the opposite of photosynthesis. Oxygen and sugar go in and the products are carbon dioxide, water and energy.