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hundreds over thousands over millions over trillions over billions

Not quite, an estimated number from the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) of cats and dogs euthanized each year by shelters is 3-4 million, and it is widely accepted that altogether, 9.6 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact amount because there are so many cases.

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13y ago
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15y ago

millions and millions...just think.what if the world ran out of houses and they killed you do to lack of space?or your uncle or your aunt or mom or dad.

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11y ago

I looked it up and it said thousands around the world per day

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Q: How many cats and dogs are killed each day due to not enough space in kennels?
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Is a kennel a local hotel for your turtle or rooster?

The answer is true and false at the same time because at some kennels dogs and cats are allowed and in other kennels all animals are allowed.

Where could one research dog boarding kennels?

One can research dog boarding kernels on a dog boarding kennels website, such as the 'House from Home Dog', 'Find Pet Boarding', 'Elm Tree Kennels' and 'The Battersea Dogs and Cats Home'.

Do people that like animals cry about animal abuse?

somtimes but whats worse is 1000 of dogs,puppies,cats and kittens get killed in shelters cause theres not enough space and people need to start helping. :(

What is Pet Kennel well known for?

Pet kennels are known for giving consumers a place to leave their pets to be cared for while they are away from home. Most pet kennels offer care for dogs and cats, but some offer care for exotic pets as well.

When in history were cats killed?

In the bubonic plague people thought that the blakc death or plague was carried by cats and not Rats or fleas and killed the cats.

Why do cats get killed by cars?

Cars get killed by cars because cats walk where cars drive. Cats get killed by cars because the drivers of the cars are careless and don't really care whether they kill a cat or not. Last reason I think why cats get killed by cars is because cars are bigger and stronger then cats so therefore the cats lose in that battle.

What happens to cats in space?

to me i think cats would die because theirs no oxygen in space....

How many cats are killed each year by animal testing?

In 2000, around 25,500 cats were killed from animal testing.

Diabetics and pets?

Well since you're only twelve And not so experienced, you can get a job in a pet store or you can keep an eye on the cats or dogs in the kennels. I have no Idea

What happens to the cats in StarClan when the are killed?

When cats in StarClan are killed, they fade away or disappear from the afterlife. Unlike living cats who have nine lives, cats in StarClan do not possess the ability to be reborn after being killed.

How many cats have died in the world?

10,s or hundreds

What do you have to do with cats?

Cats requireFood/WaterLove/AttentionA Living Space