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There are no chapters in the original Torah.

The text of the entire 'Old Testament' was marked off in chapters and verses much later.
I've read that it coincided roughly with the innovation of the printing press, when at last,
everyone who could read could own his own copy of the text. To facilitate the widespread
popular discussion and debate that ensued, the framework of chapter and verse was

The original Torah is written without chapters, without verses, and without punctuation.

The only divisions indicated in the scroll are extra line spaces ... multiple 'line feeds' ... at exactly four places
in the text: The beginnings of the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

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Q: How many chapters are there in the original Torah?
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The mezuzah contains two paragraphs from the Torah on a little parchment. The Torah itself contains more chapters and is written on a larger parchment scroll.

How many chapters in Torah?

There are 5845 verses contained in its five books. The five books are divided into 54 weekly portions for the purpose of the public Torah-readings. The total number of chapters is 187.In terms of subject-matter, there are six hundred and seventy distinct topics in the Torah. A topic may be covered within a single verse, or in many verses.There are 5845 verses contained in its five books. The five books are divided into 54 weekly portions for the purpose of the public Torah-readings. The total number of chapters is 187.In terms of subject-matter, there are six hundred and seventy distinct topics in the Torah. A topic may be covered within a single verse, or in many verses.

What was the name of the original bible?

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Yes, if you're referring to the Jewish Bible. The Bible starts with the Torah and continues with the Prophets and Writings.

How many words are in the book of proverbs?

I'm not sure specifically how many there are. There are 31 chapters, but most of these chapters contain many proverbs (plus, the chapter and verse distinctions were not in the original text). I've been looking for this too, but I can't find it. Guess I'll have to count.

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There are twelve chapters of Ecclesiastes. Not sure what you mean by "original" Bible, but you're probably referring to the Codex Vaticanus of Constantine which was one of the first to combine the old and new Testaments, and eventually became what we now call the Catholic Bible. Since, what was then the canonical Hebrew Bible was used as the Old Testament, and it contained twelve chapters of Ecclesiastes, I would say the answer is still twelve.

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The Torah was written in Hebrew and we certainly do still have it in the Hebrew language, although we do not have the original completed versions with the words exactly as then used.

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In which language did the Jews write the Torah?

The Jews received the Torah from God written in Hebrew, and significant numbers still read and study Torah in the original Hebrew to this day.