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The Bible does not really say.


1 Samuel 14:49 lists all of the offspring of King Saul.

1 Chronicles 3:1-24 lists all of the offspring of King David.

1 Chronicles 4 picks up with Judah and his sons.

There is no similar record for King Solomon.

1 Kings 11:1-3 states that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Therefore, we can find it is easy to conclude that Solomon had many children.

But the Bible only mentions three of his children:

1 Chronicles 3:10 The son of Sol′o·mon was Re·ho·bo′am; A·bi′jah was his son, A′sa his son, Je·hosh′a·phat his son,

1 Kings 4:15 A·him′a·az, in Naph′ta·li (he took Bas′e·math, another of Sol′o·mon's daughters, as his wife);

1 Kings 4:11 the son of A·bin′a·dab, in all the slopes of Dor (Sol′o·mon's daughter Ta′phath became his wife);

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Q: How many children did Solomon have according to the Bible?
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The Bible mentions only one son, Rehoboam (1 Kings 11:43, Matthew 1:7), in whose time the nation of Israel split into the northern kingdom, which later came to be known as Samaria, and the southern kingdom, known as Judah. Some sources refer to a son by the Queen of Sheba, but this isn't mentioned in the Bible. According to I Kings 4, Solomon had at least two daughters: Taphath and Basemath. Given that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3) it's very likely the number of children is much larger, but the Bible doesn't give that information.

Does the Bible teach having many wives as Solomon did?

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