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Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46.

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Q: How many chromosomes does each the male and female reproductive cell contain?
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What is a haploid female reproductive cell?

As you may know, almost all our cells contain pairs of chromosomes - 23 pairs to be exact. These are called diploid. Haploid cells contain only one chromosome from each pair. Reproductive cells (both male and female) are haploid, so they can fuse and form a diploid cell with chromosomes from both the male and the female. The female reproductive cell (which is haploid) is the ovum, or egg cell.

Explain the difference in the number of chromosomes between a frog somatic cell and a frog egg cell?

A somatic cell is any body cell that is a non-sex cell and an egg cell is the female reproductive cell; the female gamete

A female reproductive cell is?

A female reproductive cell is called an ovum

Can the number of chromosomes in a reproductive cell be greater than the number chromosomes in an organism's body cell?

No. The reproductive cells (eggs, sperm, ova and pollen) all contain half the number of chromosomes of an organisms body cell. This means that at fertilization the two reproductive cells (or gametes) combine to form a single cell with the appropriate number of chromosomes.If a gamete had more chromosomes than a normal cell then fertilization would lead to even more chromosomes and an offspring that would be seriously genetically compromised.

Cells formed in the female reproductive organs which contain stored food along with the other cell parts?

eggThe cells formed in the female reproductive organs which contain stored food along with the other cell parts are called eggs.

What is male or female reproductive cell?

In humans a male reproductive cell is the sperm, while the female reproductive cell is the egg.

When a cell contains 1 set of chromosomes what is it called?

Gametes are reproductive cells produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. They contain only one set of chromosomes and are said to be haploid.

What sex chromosomes are contained in a female body cell?

Female cells contain the sex chromosomes XX. A female gamete (ovum/egg) contains one X chromosome.

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

What is the female reproductive cell in a flower?

The female reproductive cell in a flower is called an ovum.

If a body cell has 22 chromosomes what would be the chromosomes what would be the chromosomes count for the reproductive cells?


If the body cells of humans contain 46 chromosomes a single sperm cell should have?

A primary spermatocyte with 46 chromosomes will undergo meiosis and yield four spermatids with 23 chromosomes. A primary spermatocyte undergoes meiosis I two haploid secondary spermatocytes are produced.