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Q: How many days can a Canadian citizen reside in the USA in a year?
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How many days can a Canadian citizen holiday in the US?

90 days

How many days are there in a Canadian school year?

There are 190 days in a Canadian school year

Was Senator Cruz ever naturalized a citizen of the US as many Canadian citizens have?

Ted Cruz renounced his dual Canadian citizenship.

How many days can a Canadian stay in US per calendar year?

180 days

How many days it take for a Canadian to lay an egg?

It depends on who writes his material.

If a Mexican Citizen marries a Canadian Citizen in Canada does the Mexican Citizen automatically have Canadian Citizenship?

Not automatically, no. Any foreign national CAN become a US citizen, but, request has to be made. In many cases, dual citizenship may be offered by the original nation, and may or may not be considered by the US INS. Please make careful inquiry of BOTH the original nation and the US INS to avoid any problems. _____________________________________________________________________ yes, even if you werent canadian.

Can a Canadian man marry a girl with a criminal record in Hong Kong and get her into Canada as a Canadian citizen?

There is many steps to take for her to come to Cananda. Its going to be hard for her to leave the country depending on how serious her criminal records are. You may be able to get her into Canada as your spouse, if her criminal record is not too serious, but that will not make her a Canadian citizen. That is a completely different process which requires at least three years residence in Canada.

Can a UK citizen spend 90 days in the US every year?

As many times as he or she might wish!

How do you make a sentence with the word reside?

Many artists reside on Cape Cod.

How many days senior citizen can stay abroad without cutting the SSI benefits?

i think 6 months

How many species of warblers reside in America?

Over 50 species of warblers reside here.

Why are there so many immigrants coming to moose jaw Saskatchewan?

A immigrant worker gets paid half the wage of a canadian citizen which is why giant corporations have such high minority staff