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Q: How many delegates at the Constitutional convention were slave owners?
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What characteristics describe the delegates to the Constitutional Convention?

their vagin hang like slave of wizard

The Texas constitutional convention of 1861 was dominated by?

lawyers and slave owners

Did the delegates at the constitutional convention end the slave trade effective immediately following the ratification of the constitution?


How did the delegates to the constitutional convention solve the problem of how to count slaves for taxes?

The Convention settled on the Three-Fifths rule. A Slave counted as Three-Fifths of a Free Citizen.

How many constitutional convention delegates owned slaves?

25 of 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention owned slaves. Also: 5 of the 13 American States were "slave states" in 1787 and slaves made up 35% of the population of those states Some of the "Founding Fathers" owned slaves, including: James Madison Benjamin Franklin George Washington Thomas Jefferson

Why did Southern delegates to the Constitutional Convention not support Congress' power to regulate trade?

They were afraid Congress might try to end Slavery or the Slave trade

Which slave state was included at the Constitutional Convention?

There were several "slave states" at the Constitutional Convention because the South had an agrarian economy supported by slave labor.GeorgiaNorth CarolinaSouth CarolinaVirginia

When did the constitutional convention say slave trade could be banned?

The Constitutional Convention said that congress could not ban slave trade until 1808.

Were the delegates of the contitutional convention wealthy slave holders?

some of them yes, such as Thomas Jefferson.

The constitutional convention agreed that congress would not interfere with the . until 1808?

Slave Trade

The fundamental issue raised at the Constitutional Convention was?

The fundamental issue that was raised at the constitutional convention was slave trade and human rights abuses. Those were the issues that were strife then.

How did the delegates from the southern states deal with suggestions about ending the slave trade?

They threatened to leave the convention.