

How many different kinds of goldfish are their?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How many different kinds of goldfish are their?
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Where can you find the Nacho flavored goldfish?

You can find goldfish in most pet stores and department stores.

What types of fish are there in a pet shop?

There are many different kinds such as angelfish, goldfish, alge eaters, eels, mini sharks and more but all pet shops are different. Just go to a petshop and you can see what they have.

What are the different kinds of goldfish?

Cross-breeding can produce nice fry, but in many cases unless you are a breeder, the majority of the fry may not survive due to the amount of cross-breeding that has occurred already to get many of the breeds we see these days.

Can you keep different kinds of goldfish in one tank?

Aslong as it has enough room and filtration many types of goldfish can be kept together. There are some cases where problems occur as such as the case with Sarassas and Orandas. Sarassas will tend to nibble at the cap of the Oranda causing damage.

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They don't exactly have a goldfish room but they might have an aquarium with many different sea creatures.

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Many different kinds means lets say an apple and a orange are not the same but it is DIFFERENT

Why does your goldfish have a black spot on its head?

It is quite possible that the black spot is part of the fishes colouration. Goldfish often have many different colours in many different shapes and shades anywhere on their bodies or fins.