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An average pond turtle lays about 8 eggs but they can lay as few as 1.

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Q: How many egg does a western pond turtle lay?
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How do tadpoles get in the pool?

You can always buy tadpoles and a pet store, and put them in your pond. I am sure that it will also happen naturally. "Build a pond and they will come," or something like that. If there are frogs in your neighborhood they will find your pond. I would suggest, though, that you do not turn tadpoles that you bought in a pet store loose in your pond. When they turn into frogs they may become an "invasive species" and upset the balance of your eco-system. Some frogs eat other frogs and even birds. (

Why can't you boil a turtle egg?

You can. Boiling and eating turtle eggs is a custom found mostly in Asia, but it isn't as popular because of many strict laws on poaching. Boiling a turtle egg, no matter how long you do it, results in a soft yolk and egg whites with a gooey consistency.

Do the turtle egg needs to be in sand to hatch?

Yes turtle egg need the sand to hatch.

What would happen if your turtle egg has a dent in it?

Usually, a small dent in a turtle egg is okay but a large dent or a sunken in egg could mean that the egg has collapsed. For more information, I recommend going to the Turtle Tails website link in the related links; it gives a complete guide on how to care for turtle eggs and what it means if a turtle egg looks a certain way. It would be best to go on that site. Hope your egg is okay!

How many egg can a female turtle lays?

i think turtles can lay 4-13

How many days does it take for a leatherback turtle egg to hatch?

they take ABOUT 75 days.

Is a fish egg in a pond?

no its up your bum

Is a box turtle a live bearer or an egg layer?

Egg layer

Is it bad if a painted turtle egg is deflated?

It's bad if the turtle is still in it.

Ok my red eared slider turtle that i rescued from the river in my backyard has laid 1 egg and my dad says that it needs a male turtle to furtalise the egg is that true and what to do with the egg?

the egg is already fertalized that's why she laid the egg