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it has 6 electrons in the outer most shell

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Q: How many electron has oxygen has in outer most shell without give any other?
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Write the outer electron configuration for oxygen?

The outer electron configuration for oxygen is 2s^2 2p^4. This means that oxygen has 6 outer electrons in its valence shell.

What is the significance of outer electron?

The significance of an outer electron is that it is the (only) electron that can interact with other electrons, rendering it extremely valuable.

Why does oxygen have a valency of 2 when the electron arrangement is 2 6?

the valence is the outer level

Elements that have 8 electron?

Oxygen has 8 electrons (2 in the inner shell, 6 in the outer).

Would Oxygen gain or lose an electron when forming an ion?

Oxygen will gain two electrons to achieve a full outer shell.

Why does metallic sodium react violently with water while sodium chloride does not?

Sodium is an element which has one electron in its outer electron shell, and which can obtain a more stable electron configuration by getting rid of that electron. This causes it to undergo chemical reactions with other elements such as oxygen or chlorine, which need to acquire electrons in order to obtain a more stable electron configuration. If sodium reacts with water, it is reacting with the oxygen in the water molecule. In the case of sodium chloride, the sodium has already reacted with chlorine to form that compound, and has given up its outer electron, so it no longer needs to react with oxygen in water.

What is the formula is the formula of hydrogen and oxygen?

Hydrogen contains one valence electron (one electron in its outer orbit) and oxygen contains six valence electrons, to become stable a element wants to have 8 electrons in its outer orbit. Therefore when hydrogen and oxygen combine, it will take 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen H2O

What happens to the electrons in the outer shell when the alkali metals react with other elements?

the alkali metals have 1 electron in their outer most shell. in order to obtain a full outer shell they have to lose this electron. so when they react with another metal they lose this electron and the outer most shell.

How many sodium atoms will bond with oxygen?

Oxygen is a non-metal in the 6A Group, so it needs 2 electrons to reach 8 in its outer shell. Sodium is a metal in the 1A Group, so it has 1 electron in its outer shell to donate. Since the oxygen needs 2, but a sodium can only donate 1, the oxygen will get an electron from two sodium atoms, giving the formula:Na2O

Why is oxygen needed for the final step in cellular respiration?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor. Oxygen, with it's great electronegativity, pulls electrons through the electron transport chain where these electrons provide the motive force to pump protons into the outer lumen of the mitochondria. When these protons fall down their concentration gradient oxygen is there to pick then up with the electrons and form water.

How many electrons to fill outer shell of oxygen?

Oxygen has 6 electrons in its outer shell, and it needs 2 more electrons to fill its outer shell, as it follows the octet rule to achieve stability.

How is hydrogen similar from the other elements?

All of them has one electron in their outer shell.