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Q: How many extra kilojoules of energy per day does an adult heavy worker require?
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How much energy does an average person consume?

The recommended calorie intake for an adult male is 2500 kilocalories/day. The mechanical equivalent of heat is 4.2 Joules/calorie, so 4.2 kiloJoules/kilocalorie, so intake is 10,500 kiloJoules/day. As there are 24 x 60 x 60 seconds = 86,400 seconds/day, the rate of energy use is 121 watts (average over 24 hours)

Why do children require two to three times more protein than adult?

Because They use a lot of energy.

How many kilojoules do you need to lose weight?

10500 kj for an adult male8400 kj for an adult female(kj=kilojoules)its o.k friendfrom wilsonator

Why does the 14-year old boy need more energy than the male office worker?

because adolescent like us are at growing stage and when a person is in an growing stage he\she needs more energy than an elderly person .the energy he\she gains is digested easily by his\her activeness and an elderly person is not much active

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yes a adult supervision is needed

How hot is a cup of black coffee?

Coffee itself has hardly any energy contents, so the energy of your cup of coffee will depend almost exclusively on how much sugar you put in it - if you use sugar of course. If you sweeten with stevia, then there will be almost no energy.

How many kilojouls does a 20-30 year old person need?

For an adult man 2500 kilocalories, for a woman 2000. That is 10,500 or 8400 kiloJoules (4.2 Joules per calorie)

How much calorie energy required in a day for adult person?

Require? Depends on the person, how nourished they are typically, where they are, etc. But the recommended amount of caloric intake for the average person is 2000-2500 calories a day.

Energy requirements needed for a footballer?

A footballer requires a diet high in carbohydrates needed for energy. A diet that is low in fat is important also. An adult footballer could require as many as 9,000 calories in a day. The youth requirement is about 3,500.

How is pinworm infection detected?

An accurate diagnosis of pinworm infection will require that either the eggs or the adult worms are detected

Can your mom and your social worker keep you from moving out?

Yes, if you are not an adult, they can do so. Your parents are responsible for you unless a court has said otherwise.

How much energy does an active adult need?

70000 kl