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Ferrets do not carry any diseases, but they are subject to be infected with various illnesses from humans, cats, dogs, minks, etc, mostly viruses which are always evolving and changing, which means there are too many variables to say how many diseases are in this world. If I placed a number on diseases, tomorrow that number would be subject to change

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How do you treat a ferret that has diarrhea?

If you ferret has diarrhea, it's a symptom that could be caused by one of several diseases or illnesses in ferrets and can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

If a ferret has sign of ECE what if its not?

Clinical signs of illness in a ferret can be one of several similar diseases. The average person would not be able to diagnose a very sick ferret. If the illness is longer than 36 hours, a veterinarian visit is necessary

Are Ferret extinct?

Yes.The Black-Footed Ferret is an endangered type of ferret that no pet store in the world is allowed to sell as pets.

Why is the ferret underweight but still having bowel movements?

Could be an internal parasite which feeds on the food the ferret ingests, hence the ferret doesn't get enough nutrition. Could be other diseases which cause improper absorption of nutrients or ones which cause high metabolism. You should take your ferret to the vets where they can test for various ailments that might be causing the ferret to be underweight.

What human actions have contributed to the black ferret being endangered?

The black footed ferret is considered endangered because their habitats are being destroyed by humans. Their numbers are also low because of diseases.

What are common diseases for a ferret?

Ferrets are susceptible to a lot of various diseases. The most common is canine distemper. Ferrets are susceptible to feline distemper as well. Ferrets rarely get rabies but precautions should still be taken. There are many other common diseases that ferrets are susceptible to also. Fleas, mites, and physical injuries are not diseases but are quite common.

How many times can you feed birds to your ferret?

Depends on numerous factors - the size of the ferret, the kind of bird your are feeding your ferret, etc

What if the Mother ferret does not produce milk?

the world will explode

How many crhomosomes does a ferret have?

The black-footed ferret has 38 chromosomes

What is wrong when my ferret has white gums and is not moving much?

Take the ferret to the vet, as soon as possible! He or she is obviously not very well - ferrets suffer from a range of diseases and only a qualified vet will be able to accurately diagnose what is wrong and prescribe treatment.

Are ferrets beomcing extinct?

Yes.The Black-Footed Ferret is an endangered type of ferret that no pet store in the world is allowed to sell as pets.

Does Australia have any diseases that affect the people or the land?

There are no diseases unique to Australia, and in fact Australia is free of many diseases, such as rabies, that are prevalent in other parts of the world.