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You should consume a percentage of 50% whole-grain for the entire day.

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Q: How many grain servings should you eat from wholegrain sources?
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Related questions

How much grain should you try to have per day?

You should have 6-11 servings of grain everyday.

Does white or wholegrain bread mold first?

whole grain bread

How many servings of grain group foods should a child eat daily?

about 5+

What nutrients are found in wholegrain breads?

the nuts and grain in the bread is good for the brain.

How many servings of grain is in one whole tortilla wrap?

what grain is a tortillas

The food pyramid indicates how many servings from each food group should be eaten?

Grain:=6-11 servings=Vegatables:=3-5 servings=Fruit:=2-4 servings=Dairy:=2-3 servings=Meat, fish, eggs, nuts, ect:=2-3 servings=Sweets:=Try to keep it a low number!!!=

How many grain servings is in a bagel?

Depends on the bagel. An 'average' bagel (such as a Dempsters bagel) is four servings of grains.

The daily amount recommended from each food group in the pyramid?

You should have 7-8 fruits and veggies per day. 5-6 grain servings. 3-4 Dairy products. And 2-3 Meat servings.

How much of your grains should be whole grain each day?

50 % of all grains consumed by a person a day should be whole grains.

What type of food is a good nutritional balance?

The types of foods you should eat can be based around the food pyramid. The base should be bread, pasta and other grain products. You should have about 6-11 servings a day. Next are your fruits and vegetable groups. You should have 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings a fruit per day. Next up are dairy products i.e. milk, and yogurt. You should have 2-3 servings per day unless you are lactose intolerant in which case you should avoid dairy. Next you have your meat group in which you need about 2-3 servings a day. And last you have the sweets, which should try to be avoided.

What do nutri grain bars have in them?

Wheat, wholegrain oats, fruit and sugar I think.

Why should grain be the greatest number of servings?

Grains are an important source of carbohydrates, fiber, and essential nutrients like B vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to have a higher number of servings from grains in the daily diet to meet energy needs and maintain overall health. However, moderation and variety with other food groups are also important for a balanced diet.