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Q: How many inches deep push down and how many compression for infant CPR?
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How deep should you press on an adult while doing CPR?

For compression depth, press down 1 1/2 to 2 inches.

In cardiac compression you should press straight down how many inches?

Approximately 2 inches

In cardiac compression you should press down how many inches for an adult?

1.5 to 2 inches

How far should sternum be depressed while performing a chest compression on a child?

on an infant 1 to 1-1/2 to 1 inches. but do it very lightly, using your middle finger and ring finger.

How do you tell infant breaths are working during CPR?

As you give the breaths, look down at the infant's chest and you should see it rise 1/2 to 1 inches.

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The face of a down syndrome infant is symetrical.

How deep you plant a oak tree by seed?

2-4 inches below surface, roots faced down

What would happen to shallow pond that frozen in winter?

In extreme freezing conditions, a shallow pond may freeze down to the bottom. If the pond is at least 18 inches deep, the surface may freeze down to a couple of inches.

How deep do watermelon roots go?

Broccoli roots go down at least six inches. But prepare the ground down to twelve inches. Broccoli needs good drainage and lots of fertilizer. You can use granulated fertilizer or manure.

How deep is the water table?

That depends on where you are. In some places, it is only a few inches below the surface. In other places it may be hundreds of feet down.

How deep are the tranches in the ocean?

deep down down blue hahahaha

What type of root does plum trees have?

Plum trees have roots that are mostly 12 inches to 18 inches deep and go to the drip line. A few of the roots will go about five feet down to anchor the tree.