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only 2 schools of approximately 300 pupils in each are off in the UK.

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Q: How many kids are out of school because of the Swine flu?
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How many kids stop going to school because of bulling?

200 kids stop going to school because of bulling.

How many schools will be closed cause of Swine Flu?

That is a hard question to answer and is decided by each school district or individual school if swine flu cases are present in their systems. Regardless of when schools are shut down, any student diagnosed with swine flu should stay home until all chance of infecting others is over and they are completely over it.

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How many kids have died because of school bullying?

too many to count sadly

How many kids have unhealthy lunches at school?

About 3 quarters of the kids at school have unhealthy lunches, somtimes kids come home from school and don't eat dinner, because they are full of lots junk food

How many kids are kicked out of school because of social networking?

There is no official number for how many kids are kicked out of school for social networking. Many schools have filtering software on their networks which prohibit students from even visiting the websites on school grounds.

Why is there so much pressure on school children in china?

Because there are so many kids and school has a lot of pressure.

How many people where killed men women and kids by swine flu?

all i now is 70 kids :(. In the UK, just over 100 total by mid October 2009.

Why should we remove subjects in school?

Because of the stress they give to kids. Too many to keep up with for teachers and for kids.

Did all children go to school in 1776?

Not very many kids went to school because the parents couldn't afford the school payments

Why are there so many cases of swine flu in new york opposed to other states in the US?

I'm not sure but I think it is because of the kids that came back from a trip too Mexico

Why do kids not do well in school?

many times if a kid is "bad" in school is because he might think that it is the only way to get people to like him.