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About half of the world or students take they life because of bullying. I think that because if the students are being bullied then us as people we should be trying to help or to help stop bullying but i just move to Rochester and when i started school Iwas bullied so i know how that feels to all the kids that have been bullied in the world but we can make a big dirrerences in the world so please help by stoping bullying.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Aprox. 5000 kids will commit suicide every year from bullying mental/cyber/physical. It's just so sad! :(

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15y ago

I would say there r 10 students so then 3/10 students would there have been a very few for a long time

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13y ago

Roughly 30,000 people in the US commit bsuicide every year according to the US Department of Human Services. The exact number of those who may cite bullying as the reason is not known.

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14y ago

too many unfortunately...

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Q: How many kids take their own life because of bullying?
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How many kids have died because of school bullying?

too many to count sadly

What can happen to people when bullying occurs?

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there are no statics because it will be a high population anyway

Why ban bullying?

because many of kids in the u.s. are killing them selves because of being bullied each year.

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they need to know that bullying can get many people to hate you

How many kids kill them selves each day from bullying?

About 100 kids each day

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How many kids kill themselves bcause of bullying?

13 million

Why do most kids bully?

Most kids bullying because some things can be happenig at home. Other kids choose to bully so they can look cool when other people are around. There are many reasons why kids bullying so I just can't think and write all of it. So I hope this help you enough to give you ideas why most kids bully.

How many kids commit suicide because of bullying in the UK?

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How many kids have died because of cyber bullying?

In what I have heard, 2. Their names were Susan Meier and Ryan Halligan. But there could be more so...