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Q: How many ml of flour do you need to make pancakes?
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Do you have to use unbleached flour for pancakes?

No, pancakes need flour.

The recipe makes 50 pancakes and cells 12 cups of flour how much flour would josh need for 200 pancakes you need a ratio table or another method?

50 pancakes ->12 cups flour 50 pancakes x 4 = 200 pancakes Therefore 12 cups flour x 4 = 48 cups flour You can use a ratio table but a far better method is to start using your brain. This is a question that a 5 to 7 year old should be able to answer

What can i make with flour eggs brown sugar and butter?

your could make- Cookies, Cakes, pancakes, crapes, french toast but it dosent involve flour but you would need bread though.......and there's lots of more

How much flour do you need if you use 2.5 cups of flour to make 2 dozens of cookies if i want to make 72 cookies how many cups of flour do you need?

That is 7.5 cups of flour.

How much Mayonnaise do you use to make pancakes?

You don't usually need mayonnaise to make pancakes.

What is a good sentence using flour?

As a noun: Make sure you use 1 cup of flour exactly for this recipe.As a verb: The baker will flour the surface so that the dough won't stick to it.As an adjective: After opening a bag of flour, keep it in a sealed container to prevent contamination by flourbeetles.

How do you get pancakes in hay day?

to get pancakes in hay day you need to have a BBQ grill. To get the BBQ grill, you have to be level 9 or higher. to make the pancakes, you need brown sugar and eggs.

A recipe call for 18 oz of flour for 6 people How many pounds of flour do you need to make the recipe for 24 people?

You need 72 oz = 4,5 lb of flour.

Sam and his mom bake bread To make 5 loafs they need 2.5 kg of flour They have 1kg bag and 250g of flour in a container How many more kilograms of flour do they need?

Break this question down into what you know and what you need to know: They have 1kg plus 250g of flour. 1000g =1 kg 250g = 0.25kg So they have 1.25kg of flour. If they want to make 5 loaves they will need 2.5kg of flour. The total amount they need minus the amount they have is 2.5kg - 1.25kg = 1.25kg. So they need 1.25kg more flour if they wish to make 5 loaves.

Is there any flour you can sub to make bread flour?

I need two cups of bread flour. I have ap flour and cream of tartar though. How do I make bread flour from what I have?

Why do you need more water to make bread with wholemeal flour than white flour?

One does NOT need more water to make wholemeal bread than to make white bread.

How much flour will i need to make 36 cakes?

I have no idea