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Getting a bit confused ask about tetanus which is the a serious and fatal disease with cramps. That shot lasts for 10 years but if you step on a rusty nail or getting bitten by a animal you should have it renewed.

You added this to Depo-Provera which is a contraception and you have to take it every third month.

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Q: How many months does tetanus shot last?
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Related questions

How long is a Tetanus shot valid?

12 months

What should you do if You step on a rusty nail which punctures your skin If you haven't done so recently?

go straight to a doctors to get a tetnus shot!!

How often should horse receive tetanus vaccination?

Horses should be vaccinated yearly against Tetanus and boosters may be recommended if a horse is injured.

How long after a tetanus shot will severe arm muscle pain last?

I recently had a tetanus shot and the nurse told me that my arm would be sore for up to three days.

Can you get tetanus by ingesting something with rust on it?

Yes. Depending on last tetanus shot (if any) and whether wound bled profusely or not.

Are there any dangerous ingredients in a tetanus shot?

Yes. there is one dangerous in a tetanus shot and that is tetanus.

What is a t shot?

Tetanus shot.

If someone treads on a rusty nail should they go and get a shot immediately?

A tetanus shot? Yes, if you are unsure when you last had one and it wasn't within the last couple of years.

Is horse serum used in tetanus vaccine?

No, and it never was. The tetanus vaccine only contains human immunoglobulin. There is something called tetanus anti-toxin that can be produced in horses or sheep. If you have a puncture wound and have never been immunized or it has been over 10 years since your last booster shot, your doctor may give you a shot of this antitoxin. It's like giving antivenom for a snakebite. This anti-toxin shot is NOT the same as the tetanus vaccine. It doesn't last long in your system, so it does not confer tetanus immunity.

Does gallbladder surgery include tetanus shot?

No, you do not need a tetanus shot for gall bladder surgery.

What happens if you get a tetanus diptheria pertussis shot 3 months since last one?

It's usually OK to receive an extra booster of the tetanus vaccine. This is especially true if you're being treated for an acute injury, such as a deep cut or puncture wound, and you can't recall exactly when you had your last tetanus shot.Vaccination is the best way to prevent tetanus - a serious disease caused by a bacterial toxin that affects the nervous system. Tetanus bacterial spores can enter your body through any cut or scratch. But deep puncture wounds, such as from stepping on a nail, are most susceptible to tetanus infection.An adult who's never been immunized against tetanus should complete the initial tetanus series of three tetanus shots. The first two shots are given at least four weeks apart, and the third shot is given six to 12 months after the second shot. After the initial tetanus series, booster shots are recommended every 10 years. Although getting tetanus shots more frequently generally isn't harmful, it may increase the risk of soreness or redness at the injection site.

How long after the tetanus shot does the redness pain and swelling last.?

No longer than 3 or 4 days.