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Q: How many more does a normal human being's brain weigh more than Albert Einstein?
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How much did Albert Einstein's brain differ to a normal brain?

his brain was cool

How much brain power did albert Einstein use?

Albert einstein was an amazingly intelligent man. Normal human beings use about 10% of there brain "Power" but Albert on the other hand used a lot more than the average human being. It has been scientifically studied and scientist say that Albert used about 20% of his brain "Power". But there is someone who used even more than Albert Einstein.

Did Albert Einstein have a bigger brain then normal?

no... he was actually dislexic.

What was the size of albert einstein's brain?

Albert Einstien's brain was normal size and condition for a man his age. No information as to his genius was determined from the disection of his brain.

What percentage of his brain did Albert Einstein use?

we all living beings use all of (nearly all of) our brain, i.e. approx. 100% of our brain.

What was Albert Einstein honored for?

Albert Einstein was honored for his talented brain.

Why as Albert Einstein co clever?

albert Einstein is so clever because of his brain

What gift did Albert Einstein leave to science?

Albert Einstein gave "His Brain" to science!

Are some parts of Albert's brain bigger than the normal human being?

No, his brain was not bigger than normal. Albert Einstein only used much more of his brain than the normal person. If anyone has a bigger brain than someone else, it is only a difference in the body structure, it does not effect intelligence.

What did Albert Einstein give to science?

A His Brain

Where did Albert Einstein do most of his work?

in his brain

How heavy was Albert Einstein's brain?

Albert Einstein's brain weighed 1,230 grams or 2.7 lb. The average human brain weighs 1.400 grams or 3 lb.