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There are many good books that tackle this question quite deeply. This is a simplistic response to a complicated question:

The Bible is not a work of human beings in an "authorship" sense. It is a message from God. God authored the Bible. It is the written word of God. We have exactly the Bible that God intends for us to have.

With regard to the people chosen, inspired and used by God to record His written word, tradition attributes the first five books of what the Christian church calls the "Old Testament" to Moses. Some of the books of the Old Testament are so ancient (for example, Job) that their writers and editors are unknown.

In the New Testament, Luke was known as a gentile (a non-Jew) and penned the books of Luke and Acts.

The author of Hebrews is unknown with certainty.

All the remaining books in the New Testament were written by Jews who believed that Jesus was the prophesied Jewish Messiah.

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Q: How many of the books of the bible did the Jews not write and which ones?
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