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Q: How many people are affected by mental retardation?
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How many people die from mental retardation?

The term "mental retardation" is generally considered outdated and offensive. People with intellectual disabilities may have a shorter life expectancy due to health complications or co-occurring conditions, but it is not accurate to say that a specific number of people die specifically from having an intellectual disability. It is important to focus on providing proper support and healthcare to improve the quality of life and longevity for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

How many people are mentally disabled in the world?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as the prevalence of mental disabilities can vary depending on definitions and classifications used. However, the World Health Organization estimates that around 15% of the global population live with some form of mental or neurological disorder.

How many people are effected by shadow people?

There is no definitive number on the people affected by experiences involving shadow people as it is a subjective phenomenon with limited scientific research. Reports of encounters with shadow people vary widely and can be influenced by cultural beliefs, personal experiences, and mental health conditions.

How many crazy people in world?

It is not appropriate to refer to individuals as "crazy." Mental health is a complex issue that affects people in different ways. It is estimated that about 1 in 4 people worldwide will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. It is important to show understanding and compassion towards those dealing with mental health challenges.

How many people where in Boudicca's army and how many died?

Boudicca's army during the revolt against the Roman Empire is estimated to have had around 100,000 people. The number of casualties that occurred during the revolt is uncertain, but it is believed that tens of thousands died in the ensuing battles and aftermath.

Related questions

Is mental retardation a bad word?

Many people use it pejoratively but it is not a swear word.

In how many cases of mental retardation does the cause remain a mystery?

In about 35% of cases, the cause of mental retardation cannot be found.

How many kinds of retardation is there?

Mental retardation has different levels. There is Mild intellectual disability; moderate intellectual disability; severe intellectual disability; and Profound intellectual disability.

How many people wear abayas in this world?

There would be 014197279 I think this because I am a mental retardation suck it

How many people are affected by mental health?

1 in 3

What Immunizations can prevent diseases that cause mental retardation?

Hyperthyroidism, whooping cough, chickenpox, measles, and Hib disease (a bacterial infection) may cause mental retardation if they are not treated adequately.

How many people die from mental retardation?

The term "mental retardation" is generally considered outdated and offensive. People with intellectual disabilities may have a shorter life expectancy due to health complications or co-occurring conditions, but it is not accurate to say that a specific number of people die specifically from having an intellectual disability. It is important to focus on providing proper support and healthcare to improve the quality of life and longevity for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

How can some cases of mental retardation be prevented?

Immunization against diseases such as measles and Hib prevents many of the illnesses that can cause mental retardation. In addition, all children should undergo routine developmental screening as part of their pediatric care

How prevalent is mental retardation in North America?

It is thought to be 1-3% of the population, depending on the methods of assessment and criteria of assessment that are used. Many people believe that the actual prevalence is probably closer to 1%,

Are learning disabilities the same as mental retardation?

No. Mental retardation means the person has an IQ of below 70. A person with learning disabilities can have even a genius level IQ but still have certain learning difficulties, such as, for instance, Attention Deficit Disorder, or Dyslexia, which affect their ability to learn, but do not affect their actual intelligence.

What are other terms for mental retardation?

As the phrase implies, Retarded people have reactions and instincts slowed down, that is retarded. There are some forms of mental symptoms that can be considered acquired mental retardation- and can occur as a by product of various sources- including violence and violent sports such as boxing- the punch drunk man has some of the same symptoms of the retarded person- tardive dysklesia (I donddd Tawk too good anymore, note accents- not I Don't Talk, but I donddd Tawk! it's not funny.) Senile dementiA can be considered a form of retardation and goes for juvenile forms- senior citizens suddenly demand juvenile items (Where are my electric trains? Where are my comic books?) In some cases staff in senior citizen homes play along with their senility by even supplying such things as dolls and stuffed animals like the Eeyore character. Almost all retarded people make common errors in English and spelling, and many are, from the illness, illiterate. It is sad and not funny. The possibility of artificial or acquired retardation from a crime or accident- like amnesia, is no laughing matter.

What mental illnesses require wheelchairs?

hmm, not many really. mental retardation is different to mental illness. e.g. serebal paulsey can effect the brain but is mainly physical, so is considered a disability and mental retadation which needs a wheelchair. but e.g. bipolar which is a mental illness isn't physical.