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Although an exact number is not know, many people are afraid of admitting their sexual orientation. This is due to society's hidden agenda that being gay is abnormal. The result of institutionalized homophobia also causes many people to hide their sexual orientation as opposed to being open about it.

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Q: How many people are afraid to admit they are gay?
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Are teens afraid to edmit they are gay or lesbian?

Yes, many LGBT teenagers are afraid to admit it because of rampant homophobia.

How come people call people they like or don't know gay?

people who are afraid of gay people, or who just hate gay people, think it's bad to be gay. So they use the word "gay" as an insult, when it's really just part of human nature. Some of these hateful people are actually gay themselves, but can't bring themselves to admit it.

What is an active gay person?

they are gay people who are not afraid to be themselves.

Do you think straight men are afraid of gay people?

A small percentage are afraid - or, at least, uncomfortable around them. Afraid they might be hit on. Afraid the guy is looking at them and thinking about what they might do to them. Some are afraid of guilt by association. If you are around a gay guy, you might be gay also. Rarely are any of these fears justified.

Who are gay people most afraid of o tell they are gay?

Their parents mostly the father.

Is tom Crosby gay?

alot of people think that he is gay, but if he doesn't admit it, he can't be proud of it. but just for the record, yes, i do think that he is gay.

How do get a gay guy to admit it?

It depends on what you want them to admit.

Why do boys kiss in the song firework?

It is because the song is talking about not being afraid to be yourself. The guys kiss because it is showing that he is breaking out of his shell and showing he doesnt care what other people think. He is not afraid to admit he is gay basically.

How many admit being bullied?

i am always bullyed at my school because i am out at school that i am gay. and people are always being mean to me so there there are many thousands hundreds that are mean to people and bullie them.

Are you afraid of gay people?

NO, because gay people have the right to love who ever they want to and know one should judge them.

Why is people turning gay?

People don't turn gay, you are born that way. It can take sometime until you know though or until you are ready to admit it to yourself.

Why are gay people afraid to come out?

Mostly because they are afraid that they'll be made fun of and called names. Or, if their parents find out, that they would be disappointed that their kids didn't turn out as they wanted them to be. but parents should always love their kids so don't be afraid to tell them who you are. Anyways, off subject. Mainly their afraid. Unsure of how people will react.