

Best Answer

almost every fan in this world that is in love with Edward Cullen thinks vampires are real,,,


look @ the back of a Twilight book! what does it say??


sooo true! so you really should stop asking pointless questions such as that. Well if u think vampires are things that suck blood...



ha ha ha lol.

just don't even think about getting an important answer cuz it is absolutly IMPOSSIBLE!

no kidding!

good luck!

-J.H Canada British Columbia pce

from:senaya belton twilight suck no offence

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Q: How many people believe in vampires?
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How many people really believe in Vampires and Werewolves?

Alot of people do and what is to say that they are wrong?

Is it possible to be a vampires?

No. vampires are definitely not real! People believe that if you bite someones neck you are a vampire! but don't believe that rubbish.

Add your name to the desscusion if you believe in vampires and if you dont edit it into the answer?

personally, i think that there are vampires, but they are people with rare conditions. so in the religious sense, no i don't believe in vampires

Do vampires live in Dothan Alabama?

Vampires are mythical creatures used in stories purely for entertainment value. While there are people who would like for others to believe that vampires are real, they are in fact not. Vampires are make believe.

Are there vampires in transylvania?

Dracula originally stayed in Transylvania for awhile. He gave rise to the interest of vampires due to his actions. I do not believe in vampires but I believe in people who will act as such, so yes there are in Transylvania.

Are vampires existing on Earth?

no, i think no....... but some people believe in it...........

Why do people believe in vampires?

Through a lack of knowledge or critical thinking.honestly i don't believe in vampires. it's only an illusion of everyone. just an imagination..

How many people think that vampires exist?

I don't think anyone knows the answer to that question but I'm sure there are still some people who believe.

Can vampires get humans preg?

Yes, They can. Well, I believe they can anyway, Some people might not believe that.

Why do we believe in vampires?

People like to make up scary stories.

Why is their a phobia for vampires if vampires don't exist?

Some people believe that vampires exist like some people believe in aliens and ghosts. So obviously some people would be scared of them because most humans are scared of what they don't know or understand. They are scared of the unknown or most of them. Does that answer your question?

Can you tell why the re are vampires?

why are there humans? evolution. or, in some cases, people believe it's god who made us. do u believe it i possible that vampires have evolved from evolution 2?