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Q: How many people die for eating microwave popcorn?
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What companies manufacture microwave popcorn?

Microwave popcorn is a convenience food that consists of unpopped popcorn kernels packaged in such a way as to be popped in the microwave. There are many companies that manufacture microwave popcorn, such as Orville Redenbacher and Act II Popcorn.

Where can you find microwave popcorn in Australia?

Microwave popcorn can be purchased from any supermarket, as well as many corner stores.

What is the best type of popcorn machines that i can buy?

The best popcorn making machine is simply the microwave. You can buy many varities of popcorn in bags, and pop them in the microwave. In minutes, your children will be able to enjoy a delicious snack.

How many calories in a cup of microwave popcorn?

it depends on what brand and type

How many unpoped kernels are in a bag of popcorn?

It depends on the popcorn, and for how long you put it in the microwave.

When did microwave popcorn come out?

In 1981, General Mills introduced the first microwave popcorn under their Pillsbury brand. This popcorn needed to be stored in the freezer prior to popping. Later that year, the engineer that worked on the Pillsbury popcorn project, James Watkins, left General Mills and started his own company called the Golden Valley Microwave Foods company. He introduced his own microwave popcorn called Act I. After he figured out how to make the popcorn and oils shelf stable, he patented his new microwave popcorn invention and re-released it as Act II in 1984.

How many ways can you pop popcorn?

there are 2 ways to make popcorn. 1. put it in the microwave and pop it. or 2.dump it all out in a pot and cover the pot and the it will pop soon hope i helped you :)

How many calories in 94 fat free popcorn?

In microwave 94% fat free popcorn there are 113 calories in each 1 ounce or 28g.

How many cups of popped popcorn equals 5 quarts?

Five quarts of popcorn is equal to 40 cups of popped popcorn. This is because there are 8 cups in a quart, and 5 quarts multiplied by 8 cups is equal to 40 cups.

How many cups in microwave popcorn bag?

Usually 3.5, but some are smaller.

Who invented microwavable popcorn?

Percy L. Spencer holds patent (US) 2480679 from 1949 on microwave popcorn. Here is a quotation from this remarkable patent applications: It has been found that, if the dry heat necessary to pop or evert the kernels of popcorn is provided by the impingement of radio-frequency energy on the corn to be popped while the same is positioned in an energy-filled metallic cavity or enclosure..... Unfortunately, with microwave ovens having different temperatures throughout the inside of the oven, some kernels would pop, others would not, and many would burn. It wasn't until much later that microwave popcorn became something that could be sold commercially. In 1981, General Mills introduced the first commercially available microwave popcorn under their Pillsbury brand. This popcorn needed to be stored in the freezer prior to popping. Later that year, the engineer that worked on the Pillsbury popcorn project, James Watkins, left General Mills and started his own company called the Golden Valley Microwave Foods company. He introduced his own microwave popcorn called Act I. After he figured out how to make the popcorn and oils shelf stable, he patented his new microwave popcorn invention and re-released it as Act II in 1984.

are there any codes to input in the microwave like other microwaves?

Yes, there are many preset cooking options such as popping popcorn and defrosting chicken.