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Asian Flu reached an epidemic in 1957, crossing the ocean and reaching the US. About 69,000 people died in the US that year from Asian Flu. For more iformation see the link to the Wikipedia page for this topic (under Related Links).

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15y ago
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11y ago

The Center for Disease Control estimates that from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths in the United States ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people

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15y ago

If you mean the H1N1 flu or "Swine Flu" the CDC has reported one death, in Texas. This information was last updated on 4/30/2009 at 10:30am.

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How many people did the flu kill in medieval times?

More than it does now, for sure, but probably not as many as you think. People are basically healthier today, and live under much better conditions of sanitation, so the flu does not take as many lives. But the flu was then what it is now - a disease that most people who contract it will recover from.

Could Swine Flu kill?

Yes. If not treated correctly it could cause death, as many people in the U.S. have died from it!

Can Swine Flu kill adults?

The Swine Flu is similar to the regular seasonal flu, many adults and children have died from it around the world, but the majority recover. Unlike the seasonal flu, however, less elderly people have been killed by the A-H1N1/09 swine flu than the regular seasonal flu. People over 65 are much less at risk from the swine flu than seasonal flu.

When was the most recent flu pandemic and how many people did it kill?

It was the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1920, and it is estimated to have been responsible for approximately 80 million deaths world wide.

What is bad about the flu?

Influenza, or the flu, is a very serious disease. It can kill people, especially very old or very young people who have weaker immune systems.

If Swine Flu can kill you then why not normal flu?

Normal flu does kill. In the USA alone it killed over 36,000 people in 2008! So if you were to find out the death numbers from flu in other countries the total would very high! Swine flu is just more of a concern as it is a new type of flu containing both bird flu and swine flu. Only very few people if anyone at all will have immunity from Swine flu.

Can Flu kill you?

It can kill if not treated.

Why is it 'the' flu and not flu?

People usually go by what sounds best when you say it. So, when you say "I have flu" and "I have the flu" which one sounds better? Many people think it sounds better to say "the flu".

Can bird flu kill you?

It can kill if not treated.

Will Swine Flu go?

Swine Flu will go eventually but scientist are guessing maybe in two to three years. It also depends on how many people in the world have it because the more it spreads the harder it is to kill. I know it is horrible!

How many people did the bubonic flu kill?

If this is referring to the black death between 1348 and 1350, it killed about one third of Europe's population at that time.