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6 children a day commit suicide a day because of bullying. You do the math.

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Q: How many people killed themselves this year over bullying?
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Related questions

Do you agree with bullying?

Simple, no, bullying is very dangerous. There has been many cases in which people have physically harmed or killed themselves due to low self esteem from bullying.

How many people kill themselves cause of bullying?

more then a thousand a year

What are bullying techniques?

I hope you are not planning on bullying someone as this is very serious and can deeply effect many people including the bully themselves. Daniel

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How many people have killed themselves from cyberbullying and why?

i think many many people get killed over cyberbullying and the reson they do it because they think people hate them and they think no cares about them and they is to humilated

How many kids kill themselves bcause of bullying?

13 million

How many teens a kill themselves because of bullying a day?


Who is the greatest contributor to the bullying problem?

In my opinion it is indifferent parents that don't care if their kid is bullying others (and in many cases blame the victims of the bullying for bringing it on themselves).

What harm does bullying do to others?

It can cause people to feel insecure about other people and themselves. People can be left with mental and physical trauma for the rest of their lives; bullying can cause many issues in that person's life, especially if they are young; it is the direct or main cause of many youth suicides and other tragedies. There are many other effects it has on its victims. In sum, bullying is extremely harmful to others in every way.

How many people killed themselves during the titanic going down?

more than 250 people

How many people have been affecteed by bullying in schools?

alot of people is getting hurt from bullying