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The chemicals used in the construction industry find there way into the ecosystem. The human involvement and accident statistics are shocking. The future sadly will not improve these statistics as India, Pakistan And China Improve there status in the world. Cars are the symbol of prosperity

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Q: How many people lives are affected simply by driving a motor vechile?
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Yes, tornadoes have occurred long before people were around. They affected Native Americans in the same way they affect us - settlements were destroyed and people killed. But they wouldn't have been affected as severely because they didn't have anything near the infrastructure to damage that we do, and some of them were more nomadic and simply moved to a different location.

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You can find an experienced driving instructor in local driving schools. Simply pop down to one of the driving schools or give them a call and make an arrangement.

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None whatever. When you are buzzed, your ability to drive is plenty diminished. It's like being a little bit pregnant.The first things to go when we are under the influence of alcohol are our judgment and our ability to concentrate. Both are essential to driving, and both are affected before you begin to notice the "buzz." Simply thinking it's OK to drive is an excellent example of the poor judgment.

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