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I don't know a lot about the exact percentage, but think about it. Abusive consists of physically and verbally. I have been in an abusive relationship, and it took me over a year to get out of it. He wouldn't let me break up with him, he threatened to kill himself and he constantly yelled and threatened me. Imagine every other relationship.

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15y ago

There are no statistics indicating how many people stay in an abusive relationship because some abused victims keep it behind closed doors (in other words 'private.') It's generally because they are fearful of reporting the abuse (laws are lax) or they are too embarrassed to admit it. Victims of abuse end up with low self esteem even though they may be successful in other areas of their life. Abuse strikes the rich, poor, famous and not so famous and all races.

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There's a mulititude of reasons why it would be hard to leave an abusive relationship. In many cases it's psychological. Sometimes it's that the abused party in the relationship begins to feel like they deserve the abuse they recieve. Sometimes they reason with themselves, like..."Only one more time. I'll give them one more chance." and repeat this every time.

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Answer The worst thing anyone can do after getting out of an abusive relationship is to get involved with anyone on a serious level if you haven't gotten proffessional help first. Some people can walk away from such things as an abusive relationship, but not many are that strong. If you haven't sought some kind of Thearipy perhaps you should as you will always feel threatened when the other person raises his voice to you. Why go through that pain, do something about it first.

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When used to address people, swear words are usually abusive words. However, there are many abusive words and phrases that are not swear words.

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Armenian men are as abusive as men from any other culture. It is unfair to pick one culture as being especially abusive when so many cases of abuse are found in every culture.

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Usually women do this because it is all they know. Many women will pick partners that are abusive because they've had abusive fathers, etc.

Is an abusive relationship worth saving?

No relationship that is abusive is worth saving for any reason. Sometimes it is safer to stay within them until you know you can leave safely but once a realtionship turns from what you thought was love to abuse-there is no turning back. There are many forms of abusive but, no matter what type whether it be physical, emotional, financial, etc. less than 1 % of abusers ever change and it will happen again. You will have to ask yourself if that is how you want to live or whether you think you deserve better. You do deserve to have the best possible life that you can and surround yourslef with loving, positive, happy and fun people.

Why would a woman abused as a child blow hot and cold on you?

This is because she is afraid of her emotions. There is a trust issue here that stems from an abusive relationship that give her mixed signals and she is confused and hurt. You will have to be very patient and empathetic as she may be sabotaging the relationship because she has these past emotional issues that are preventing her from enjoying your relationship. There are many people who have these trust issues so your not alone with her. Be patient.

What is the percent of people who commit crime on people and have a childhood of abusing animals?

About 10%, or perhaps as many as 40%, of abusive parents were themselves physically abused as children, but most abused children do not grow up to be abusive parents.

You have been in an abusive relationship and now with a lovely partner but you have cheated on him and in the past treated him bad by hitting him and having fits you love him whats wrong with me?

nothing is wrong with you. an abusive relationship will tweak your mind. if you feel somethng is wrong see a counselor. there are many of them out there. they will help you to understand what is going on with you. How long have you been apart from this abuser? what causes you to snap on this new one?

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everyone born on this earth has realtionship in some way .how can you have born with out any relationship. so there are no people without relationship