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It's not possible to list all of them here, since there are 613 separate and distinct rules in the Torah.

Here is a brief selection of a few of the rules:

-- Observe the Sabbath.

-- Don't kill people.

-- Don't steal.

-- If a person works for you, pay him.

-- Visit sick people.

-- When you dig a hole in the ground, put a fence around it so people don't fall in.

-- Even if you don't have much, give part of what you have for the benefit of people who have less.

-- Teach your children.

-- Say words of gratitude for food before and after you eat it.

-- Honor your parents.

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9y ago

Judaism has 613 Commandments derived from the Torah, but these are very bare-bones sets of laws, such as, for example, the requirement that all people should marry and procreate, but these commandments do not describe the process for marriage, how assets are owned, etc. Marriage Law in Judaism is very complex.

Even Rabbis who have studied Jewish Law for decades would not be so bold as to say that they know all Judaism's rules or even have an idea about how many of them there are, but it is certainly more than a million.

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14y ago

613 individual 'rules' have been identified in the Torah. You can read most of them in any translation
of the 'Old Testament'.

Some examples are:

-- refrain from service on the Sabbath day
-- remember the needs of widows and orphans
-- speak words of gratitude for the food, before and after you eat
-- visit sick people
-- take travelers into your home
-- don't murder people
-- when someone works for you, pay him
-- when you dig a hole in the ground, put a fence around it, so that people and animals don't fall in
-- keep your gas pump accurately calibrated, so that the amount you charge for is the amount you deliver
-- don't steal
-- honor your parents
-- don't pray to pictures or statues
-- when you harvest, let some fall off the tractor, for poor people to come and gather
-- come to the Temple and celebrate three festivals in the year
-- give your farmland a Sabbath; don't plant or harvest every seventh year
-- don't bribe a judge; if you're a judge, don't take a bribe
-- if a woman is raped out in the country, execute the man
-- don't cook an animal in its mother's milk
-- don't stare at your neighbor's wife and think about what you'd like for her to be doing
-- have children
-- teach your children

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12y ago

The Torah contains 613 direct commands; but Judaism has many thousands of details, attitudes, customs and things that are proper behavior without being directly commanded in The Bible.

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The Mosaic Laws are the laws that God gave to Moses. Jews are supposed to follow these laws to the best of their ability as a guide to being a good person and a good example to the people of the world. Jews who strictly follow the rules are simply religious Jews.

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They are Jews who keep the Torah.

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