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A bivalent contains two duplicated homologous chromosomes.

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A chromatid is one half of the chromosome pair that forms in cell division. A bivalent is a cell that has four chromatids, two coming from each of two parent cells.

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4 chromatids

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Q: How many sister chromatids are in a bivalent?
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What structure is formed by two sister chromatids being held together by a centromere?

A bivalent.Sister chromatids are normally joined at the centromere. When homologous chromosomes pair, the two sister chromatids of one chromosome join with the two sister chromatids of the other chromosome. So it is really the joining of non-sister chromatids that is special.The word "bivalent" refers to the temporary combining of the two chromosomes (four chromatids). The bivalent forms in prophase I of meiosis, and is split in anaphase I.

What is the connector for sister chromatids?

Centromere connects the sister Chromatids

If a diploid organism has 11 chromosomes how many pairs of sister chromatids does each cell possess?

Assuming it is not in the anaphase stage then the chromosomes had 22 sister chromatids. 1 chromosome has 2 sister chromatids.

2. What are sister chromatids When do the separate?

In anaphase I the sister chromatids remain attached, while in anaphase II the sister chromatids separate.

What is the meaning chiasmata and crossing over?

Crossing over:is a process of (breakage) and (exchange) of parts between two homologous chromatids .Each bivalent (a pair of same chromosomes ) is called a tetrad . Along the length of each bivalent one or more X shaped connections between (non-sister chromatids ) are found ;these CHIASMATA are places where crossing overs have occurred .I hope that's helped .ZIZO-Saudi Arabia

When do sister chromatids separates?

Sister Chromatids separate during anaphase.

What is a chiasmata?

it is the part on the homologous chromosome that holds the two together once they have crossed over. the point where two homologous non-sister chromatids exchange genetic material during chromosomal crossover during meiosis

What is the role of spindle fibers in mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids apart.

What is the term for the two sets of chromatids formed in the parent cell?


What is the name of the structure that connects the sister chromatids?

The cell structure that joins two sister chromatids into one single chromosome is called the centromere. This is at the center of the sister chromatids.

What chromatids are attached at the centromere?

Strictly speaking, chromatids aren't attached; they grow that way. They are, however, formed during Prophase of mitosis and Prophase I of meiosis. A: CENTROMERES

What is a cell structure that joins two sister chromatids of a chromosomes?

The cell structure that joins two sister chromatids into one single chromosome is called the centromere. This is at the center of the sister chromatids.