

How many tea parties were after the Boston Tea Party?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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the Boston tea party wasnt an actual tea party it was an act of rebellion to resist the tea act. Patriots got onto a boat filled with tea from the British East India Company dressed as indians ( I think Iriquoian indians) and threw all the tea fromthe boats

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Q: How many tea parties were after the Boston Tea Party?
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How many Boston Tea Partys were there?

one, there were 2 tea parties but only one was Boston tea party

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There was only one Boston Tea Party and that happened on Thursday, December 16, 1773 in the evening.

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The Boston Tea Party occurred in Boston. Many crates of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. that's all i can think of

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the boston tea party..........

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The Boston Tea Parties mission was to get rid of the hated taxes on tea.

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What does tea stand for in the phrase Boston Tea Party?

It stands for exactly that: Tea. If you'll do a quick search, the Boston Tea Party was a protest against Tea Act. However, if you're referring to TEA parties being staged all over America, TEA stands for: "Taxed Enough Already".