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Q: How many teats does a female Asian water buffalo have?
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What type of animal is a bubalus bubalis?

A bubalus bubalis is a water buffalo or a domestic Asian water buffalo.

Can you breed your beef bull to a female buffalo cow?

If you're referring to bison as "buffalo," yes, the resulting calf would be called an F1 beefalo calf.However, if you were referring to the true buffalo such as the African Cape Buffalo and Asian Water Buffalo, no.

What are the scientific names of domestic cows and buffaloes?

That all depends on what buffalo you are referring to: American bison, African Cape buffalo or Wild/Domestic Asian Water Buffalo?The scientific name for a domestic cow is Bos primigenius. For the American bison, it is Bison bison. For African Buffalo, it's Syncerus caffer. For Wild Asian Water Buffalo: Bubalus arnee, and for Domestic Wild Asian Water Buffalo it is Bubalus bubalus.

Does it rain in buffalo?

Asian Water buffalo do, yes, but not the cape buffalo, nor the American "buffalo" being the bison.

Are buffalo male or female?

Both. Buffalo is the name of a species of large ungulate animal related to the domestic bovine or "cow". There are both males (bulls) and females (cows) of the buffalo species, be it African Cape or Asian Water.

What country would you find a water buffalo in?

Water Buffalo (bubalus bubalis) also known as Arni, Asian Buffalo, Asian Water Buffalo, Asiatic Buffalo, Buffle d'Eau, Buffle de l'lnde, Carabao, Indian Buffalo) originally ranged from eastern Nepal and India, east to Vietnam and south to Malaysia. Due to the lost of habitat and hunting they are considered endangered.

Where do water buffalo's live?

they live in southeast Asian swamps and forests

Is the bongo endangered?

No, the African Buffalo is not endangered. The Asian Water Buffalo is.

What does a buffalo eat?

Buffalo, being the great African Cape Buffalo and the Asian Water Buffalo (NOT the American Bison, which is not a true buffalo), eat primarily grass that grows on the savannah or in the wetlands that they wade in.

Where is the best state in US to have a Asian water buffalo and what climate is best for water buffalo?

Gulf coast states, Florida, Texas, etc. There are ranches that have them in Texas.

How many Asian water buffalos are there left in the world?

there are only 25000 mindoro dwarf water buffalo are left in the world

Where do buffaloes?

African Cape Buffalo are found on the plains of Africa. Asian Water Buffalo are found in Southeast Asia. Bison (mistaken as "buffalo") are primarily found in North America.