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I believe that a State Senator can be re-elected as many times as they are able to. Just until they are over voted by an opposing runner.

To give you an Idea, my states senator has been the senator since my son (17) was in about 3rd grade.

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Q: How many terms can a state senate have in office?
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How many members are there in the senate and what are their terms of office?

100 Senators serving six-year terms.

How many Tennessee senators?

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The Tennessee General Assembly consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate consists of 33 members who serve four-year terms. The House of Representatives consists of 99 members who serve two-year terms.

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How many senators are in Pennsylvania government?

Many folks get confused between the STATE Senate and U.S. Senate. In the U.S. Senate there are 2 senators from each state. For Pennsylvania these two senators represent the state's interests in the federal government. Within the the Pennsylvania state government there are 50 senators who represent their respective districts in Harrisburg.

How many terms can someone in the judicial branch have?

The supreme court justices serve a life sentence, one term, until they die/retire. Among state judical brances the justices terms vary from state to state depending on how each state's constitution has established their respective judical branch.

What is the length of the term of office for members of the US Senate?

6 yearsSenate members serve in 6 year terms, and they may serve for as many terms as they wish. :)

How many terms can you serve in the United States senate and how many can you serve in the House?

You can serve an unlimited amount of terms for both the senate and the House Of Representatives

How many terms can the senate of the us serve?