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Buddhists don't actually worship anyone or anything, though they revere Dharma practitioners who have achieved enlightenment, such as arhats, devas or buddhas. The Guatama Buddha said that no one should worship him, or even adopt his teachings unquestioningly. He encouraged his followers to examine the nature of the universe for themselves through analytical meditation to discover the truth. Buddhists perform ceremonies in which they make offerings and ask the enlightened beings for guidance, but they consider all beings to have a Buddha nature, so we are all equal. Its just that some beings have a deeper understanding of the true nature of the universe than others. There are a number of levels of commitment to the Dharma, from being a lay person to being a monk. Each level requires different amounts of time dedicated to practice.

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Q: How many times a day do Buddhists worship?
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Depending on your definition of worship, Buddhists either do not worship at all, or worship as often as they see fit. Unlike many religions, there is no specific requirement for this in the Buddha's teachings. In monasteries, generally the community recites teachings of the Buddha at least twice a day.

How do Buddhists worship every day?

Buddhists do not worship as there are no deities in Buddhism to require worship. Buddhists practice. We practice most obviously by meditating, less obviously by being mindful, and part of our practice involves study of the teachings, and making an effort towards practicing carrying out our understanding of what we learn and applying it to our lives.

Am I your only god or just A god to you and how many times a day do you worship me?

you are and all day!amen

Do hindus worship 5 imes a day?

no, hindus do not worship 5 times a day. However Hindus do worship 3 times a day, at dawn, at afternoon and at dusk.

When is the worship of Judaism?

Worship in Judaism is every day, three times a day.

What days do Buddhists medtitate or worship?

Some Buddhists meditate all day every day (the monks living in the forest, mainly found in china do that). Others meditate twice a day, once in the morning and once in the night and on full moons. Some meditate only once a day, and some only meditate when they have time to do so. But it is really not specific, but most buddhists try to always meditate on the night of a full moon. And the meditation is worship.

What is the worship place of buddism?

First off, Buddhists do not worship any person or deity, including The Buddha. We show him reverence by bowing to his image but we do not say prayers to him. So Buddhists do not worship anyone or thing. What we do is not called worship but it is called "Practice", since we are trying (practicing) to follow the teachings of The Buddha. Sometimes this is also referred to as following the path or following the Dharma. We Practice (hopefully) at all times every day. Therefore if we practice well, we treat all our waking time as "holy" or special. As for meditation, many Buddhists will a have a shrine or shrine room where we practice our meditation. Many time it will have a statue of The Buddha and pictures of the teachers we follow; again, not as worship but as a reminder of our goal (enlightenment), to honor the teachers who help us along the path and honor the Buddha for bringing us the teachings.

Do Buddhists have a special prayer?

Praying five times a day, is not common to all Buddhists although there may be some who do. The goal of most Buddhists is to be present or awake in every moment.

What day do they worship Buddha?

Buddha is not worshipped by Buddhists. He is revered as a man who determined that there is a way of ending suffering for all people. He is not seen as a god. There is no equivalent to the Christian "Day of Worship" in Buddhism. In western countries Buddhists often get together on a Sunday (since everyone else and the weekly calendars mark this day off for this purpose) for a period of meditation and listening to teachings and sermons - this is not however worship as there is no Buddhist "god". In other locations the day for getting together may vary or be absent.

What do the Jews call their Sabbath day?

Religiously observant Jews worship 3 times a day, every day and four times on Saturday. The day of rest is called Shabbat and starts sundown Friday and ends sundown Saturday.