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Q: How many types of gametes do homozygous genetically identical males produce with respect to a gene?
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A homozygous dominant parent will produce a gamete with?

They will produce gametes that are also homozygous.

If each parent can produce 100 genetically distinct gametes how many genetically distinct offspring can two parents produce?

100 x 100= 10,000

Why do you artificially produce plants?

to speed the natural reproductive process to produce genetically identical plants

Which organism can produce the highest of genetically different gametes A. MeerkatB. HareC. HyenaD. Kangaroo?


Are gametes produced by meiosis or mitosis?

In animals, gametes are formed only through meiosis. Mitosis does not produce gametes. However, in autotrophs, spores composed of gametes go though mitosis to produce a gametophyte.

Which organism can produce the highest number of genetically different gametes out of a hare hyena kangaroo or a meerkat?

i think it is meerkat

What process produces genetically identical organisms?

copy genetic material to produce an identical cell

How many cells do you produce at the end of mitosis?

Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells.

Are homozygous true breeding for a particular trait?

yes. no matter whether they are homozygous dominant or recessive.

The number of possible genetically different gametes for an organism equals 2N, where N is the number of pairs of chromosomes. If an organism has four pairs of chromosomes, how many different gametes can it produce?

16 (apex)

Can an organism with a Gg genotype produce gametes with either the dominant or recessive allele in equal amounts?

Yes. Remember that a heterozygote can produce two types of gametes. In this case, the unknown would produce gametes with the dominant allele A or the recessive allele a. The homozygous recessive would still only produce one kind gamete, with the recessive a allele. Therefore, we expect to see only two genotypes in the F1, Aa and aa, in equal proportions.

Is it true that A cell divides to produce daughter cells that are genetically different?

It is true ONLY for meiosis II. Mitosis and Meiosis I produce identical daughter cells.