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Q: How many valence electrons are there in a Cr atom?
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How many inner outer valence electrons in Cr atom?

Valence electrons are located in the outermost shell in an atom. Chromium has only one valence electron.

What is the representative element in period 4 with six valence electrons?

chromium (Cr)

How many electrons neutrons and protons are in an an atom of Cr?

Chromium is in the d block. It contains 24 protons.

How many electrons are there in Cr-54?

The isotope Cr-54 has 24 electrons.

How many valence electrons are in Cr?

A chromium ion has the atomic number 24. This means that a neutral atom has 24 electrons. Because it has the net charge of positive three, it has 21 electrons.

How many valence electrons do transition matals have?

It varies across the group e.g. Sc = 3 Ti = 4 V = 5 Cr = 6 Mn = 7

How many electrons on chromium?

24, considering that an electron has a negative charge and the number of protons (positivley charged) is 24, an atom has to be neutrally charged

How many d electrons are present in Cr 2 plus?

It has 4 d electrons.

What is the atomis number of Cr?

Chromium is a metal. Atomic number of it is 24.

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How many electrons does ci have?

Chloride ion is an anion (due to the presence of negative charge)

What is the charge of Cr in Cr2O72?

Since oxygen atoms can only accept two electrons, the balance of charges for the overall neutral molecule suggests that the two chromium atoms must each have donated half of the electrons to the oxygen atoms. Therefore, the total number of electrons required for all three oxygen atoms to reach a noble gas configuration is 3 atoms*2 electrons/atom=6 electrons Dividing this up between the two chromium atoms: 6 electrons/2 atoms=3 electrons/atom Therefore, each chromium atom bears a positive charge (since it donated electrons) of 3+.