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Q: How many viruses can a vaccine prevent you from getting?
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Why vaccine is not developed for viral fever?

because viruses responsible for viral fever are many and mutate very rapidly.

How do you prevent getting a virus?

There are all kinds of ways you can prevent a human virus. Some human virus's like A.I.D.S are fatal, but there are things you can do to prevent it! Depending on what virus it is, there are many vaccines you can get at the doctors to help prevent whatever it may be. Also, leading a very healthy lifestyle will FOR SURE do good for your body(but that does not mean you still won't get viruses/diseases but it will help to prevent) I personally recommend getting your flu shot, if you haven't already booster shots and hep A and Hep B shots! Do whatever you can to prevent viruses!

What is the current cold virus?

Cold viruses are constantly mutating into different forms which is one of the reasons that there is no vaccine to prevent the common cold yet (the virus mutates before a vaccine can be developed in time to prevent that strain and a new strain takes its place.) There are currently many many cold viruses in circulation, each mutating over and over, so as soon as someone might identify the type in a specific location, it will change to different types. Colds are usually caused by the rhinovirus (up to 40% of colds), or Coronaviruses (about 20%), but there are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold that each can rapidly mutate into new forms, which circumvents our ability to gain immunity.

How do you know if you need the BCG Vaccine?

BCG i.e. bacille Calmette Guerin vaccine used to prevent tuberculosis and also given to prevent compications like such as meningitis in many countries ( not in US). The BCG vaccine confers a positive PPD skin test result but appears to protect only about half of those inoculated

How many different virus strains does the 2012-2013 seasonal influenza vaccine contain?

Two type A viruses and one Type B virus.

What do vaccines prevent?

Vaccines prevent only the infectious diseases that they were made to prevent. For example, a vaccine for one type of flu will prevent that type of flu, but you may still get other types if you are not also vaccinated for them. This is why the seasonal flu vaccine usually contains vaccine for the three most likely types of flu that are expected to circulate at the next flu season. There are vaccines for the various types of influenza, for other viral diseases like measles, mumps and polio and for a very limited number of bacterial disease such as one common type of bacterial pneumonia. See the related questions below for more information about how vaccines work.

How many seconds is a vaccine?

A vaccine is a medicine for immunity and does not have "seconds". If you mean how many seconds does it take for the vaccine to be administered, then the injection of a vaccine usually only takes 5-10 seconds to put the vaccine into your body with a needle since the amount of vaccine needed is so small. If the vaccine is available in a nasal mist, the inhalation of a nasal mist takes as long as it takes for you to sniff. If you mean how long will the immunity last before you need a booster vaccination, you should check with your doctor about the type of vaccine you are getting (e.g. influenza, bacterial pneumonia, etc.). Depending on your age and the type of vaccine, some vaccinations need boosters every so often. Your doctor can tell you how long the one you are getting lasts.

Should you have vaccinations before getting pregnant?

Answer-- Get all your vaccinations done BEFORE you get pregnant. You don't want live vaccine viruses around while you are pregnant, because they can hurt the developing baby. Some vaccines are live viruses and other vaccines are dead viruses, so check with your doctor which is which. As long as you get pregnant about 4-6 months after your final vaccination (for a live virus vaccine) you should be OK. Also, don't let the new baby get vaccines too young, or too many all at once. "Get your immunities to common childhood diseases (mumps and measles) tested. If you received the shots during certain years and lot numbers, they might not have worked. This is to avoid birth defects. Wait a while (at least three months) after getting the shot, before you get pregnant." "Getting rubella (German measles) early in pregnancy can cause birth defects. A simple blood test can tell if you have immunity. If you are not immune, a vaccine given at least 3 months before getting pregnant will protect you from getting rubella in the future."

Can an FBI number prevent you from getting a job?

You only get an FBI number if you are convicted, so yes it could prevent you from getting many jobs.

Does the flu shot prevent really bad colds?

No, the virus that causes a common cold is different than the virus that causes influenza. However, for some people, the symptoms for some types of flu are very similar to the symptoms of a really bad cold, but the vaccine just doesn't work to provide immunity for colds. There currenlty is no vaccine for colds.

What was the mystery about the polio virus that had to be solved before a vaccine could be developed?

This question seems to be from a unit about Henrietta Lacks' cells.There are many polio viruses that have no effect on humans. Her cells (HeLa) allowed the growth of polio viruses and made it possible to determine which strain produced the devastating effects. When that was determined, the vaccine could be made.Vaccines are not limited to viruses. Some of the bacterial diseases for which there are vaccines include: tuberculosis, meningitis, tetanus, whooping cough, typhoid, cholera, anthrax, etc.

What arwe the most popular methods of getting rid of computer viruses?

Well their are many different kinds of viruses but most all go down by AVG- anti virus