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The US Constitution does not provide for referendums on national issues. I think if you want Congress to do something different, you must work to elect representatives and Senators who agree .
But keep in mind many people will not agree with you; you can't force Congress to do just what YOU (or even you and 10,000 others) want.

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Q: How many votes of referendum by petition do We the people need to mandate congress?
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What happens at the next general election if enough people sign a petition?

a referendum

What gave the people the ability to vote on bills brought to the ballot by petition?

The First Amendment of the Constitution gives the voters the right to bring bills to the ballot by petition. All petitions must have a certain amount of signatures and be submitted by a certain time in order to make it on the ballot.

How can the American people petition legally to remove an elected official from congress or the senate?


When did congress first give themselves pay raises without the vote of the people?

Yes, on a passed referendum in 1989, they receive it automaticaly

How can the public express its disatisfaction with or its support for a proposed bill?

Call, email, or write your congress people.

What is the process for a referendum?

Ballot initiative and referendum processes are one way ordinary citizens can be politically influential. They involve gathering of signatures by petition to enable the electorate at large to vote on issues, instead of relying on lawmakers to pass laws.

What allows voters to approve or disapprove proposed laws or constitutional amendments?

referendum is the term that applies to the voting for or against some measure.The measure itself is called a referendum.initiative is the power that permits voters to petition for a referendum to be held. Initiative and referendum thus go to together and are usually thought of as one power that an electorate may hold.

What does a mandate from the people do for the president?

People say the president has a mandate if he wins by a large majority. The mandate is particularly clear if there was a defining issue during the campaign. If it is clear what the people are voting for and if a large majority vote for it, then the president will face little opposition when he pushes to give the people what they want and expect.

What are example sentences of referendum?

Australia held a referendum to determine whether it would become a republic. How people vote in a euro referendum is not an issue for CA. Referendum was held to determine whether people should smoke or not.

The legislative power of the US is vested in who?

Is referendum a question or a vote?

A referendum is a vote (of the whole people) on a specific issue.

Who political reform gave people power to approve or reject laws passed by a legislature?
