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Regardless of weight, a 16-year-old girl gets 31 points a day, plus the 35 extra weekly points.

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Q: How many weight watchers points do you get if you are a girl 16 years old you weigh 130 and your 5'4?
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Weight Watchers

How many weight watchers points in Gatorade 20 fl oz?

It's 4 I can't believe this question is 8 years old

How old is Weight Watchers?

46 years old

Do you have the weight watchers sweet potato pie recipe that was given out in meetings about 15 years ago?

It could be listed on the Weight Watchers website.

Can my daughter join Weight Watchers she is 13 years old?


How old do you have to be to do Weight Watchers?

Weight Watchers is suitable for all adults. In addition, many locations offer the plan for teens and children over 10 years old.

Does weight watchers magazine offer a discount for a full years subscription?

"Purchasing a full years subscription from Weight Watchers is a great value. Weight Watchers magazine is currently $3.95 per issue. The one year price (6 issues) is $14.95. Had the 6 issues been purchase seperately, the price would have been $23.70."

Is Weight Watchers the fastest growing organization in the world?

Good question, since Weight Watchers has been around for over 40 years. I think they consider themselves one of the fastest shrinking organisations in the world.

Is the weight-watchers in Columbus Ohio affiliated with weight-watchers in New York?

It is a Franchise of New York, New york is were the company was founded more than forty years ago. "Because It Works" JLA 2011

Does Weight Watchers offer custom diet meal plans?

Weight Watchers is one of the most effective programs in the world for health, lasting weight loss. The program has been around for 40 years and has consistently kept up with trends as well as the health needs of its clientele. WW promotes healthy, mindful eating, exercise, self-care and education -- all of which are essential for weight loss and healthy living. Weight Watchers offers a "Points" system that allows participants to pick and choose foods and track the assigned point value of each of those foods. A certain number of points is allotted each day. The system encourages mindful eating, improved food selection and allows the member to track progress, all of which serve to reinforce health behaviors.

I need instructions on how to use a weight watchers electronic food scale last years model?

Call them to order one.

What are some healthy ways to lose weight quickly?

There are plenty of healthy ways that can help you lose weight quickly. One option is to eat healthy foods and go out walking everyday. Another option is try joining a weight loss program such Weight Watchers. In my opinion Weight Watchers is a good program to join. When I first joined about 4 years ago I started losing about 5 lbs. So I stuck with Weight Watchers for 8 months and lost about 30 lbs.