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It could be listed on the Weight Watchers website.

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Q: Do you have the weight watchers sweet potato pie recipe that was given out in meetings about 15 years ago?
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Related questions

Do weight watchers recipes include the amount of calories in the recipe?

Yes. In every weight watchers recipe the calories are included in the recipe. This makes it easier for the participants to track their calorie intake.

Where can you buy Weight Watchers shake mixes?

You can buy the shakes at the meetings.

Where can I find more information on weight watchers soup recipe ? has more information on Weight Watchers soup recipes. There are also some good recipes to refer to on There is a recipe for cabbage soup that is a recipe considered only 0 point weight.

Where could one go to find Weight Watchers scales for purchase?

Weighing scales that are used for or branded Weight Watchers ones are available from Boots. They can also be bought at Weight Watchers meetings but then they tend to be more expensive.

What is the Weight Watchers recipe of the day?

Weight Watchers has several delicious meal choices. On the weight watchers plan you can eat regular meals but they just have to be prepared differently. For recipes I would suggest visiting the Weight Watchers website.

Is there a Weight Watchers recipe for vegetarian chili?

Weight Watchers offers a vegetarian chili recipe that is only 8 points. It can be made in only 15 minutes!

What is the difference between Weight Watchers 360 and Weight Watchers onine?

I started out with Weight Watchers online, but I wasnt benefiting from it. The motivation just wasn't there. The meetings provided so much more such as advice, support, and the key factor for me, accountability. I would definitely suggest going to the meetings.

Do you have to join weight watchers to use their diet plan?

Weight Watchers will sometimes give a free trial, but yes you do have to join to learn their diet plan and have online access and also to attend meetings.

Does Weight Watchers have a weight limit?

Yes and no. Children would need a doctor's note, along with their parents going to the meetings with them.

How do you cancel Weight Watchers online if you decide to go to live meetings?

Good question. You can call them to find out.

What are the benefits of the weight watchers diet?

It helps you develop better healthy eating habits and get a lot of exercise. Not only this, but Weight Watchers have regular meetings that help to keep you on track with your weight and lifestyle.

How many Weight Watchers points in homemade potato salad?

1.5 points per ounce