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That would be extremely useful if it can be developed. There are four types of blood: AB, A, B, and O. They are classifed by the antigens that they have. Type O blood has no antigens but it does have anti-A and anti-B antibodies, so it can only accept type O blood (although since it has no antigens, it can give blood to anyone). Type A blood has A antigens and anti-B antibodies so it can't accept any blood with B antigens in it (such as type B or AB). Type B blood has anti-A antibodies and can't accept A or AB blood. Type AB has A antigens and B antigens so it can't donate to any other blood besides AB (although it can receive any type of blood). If everyone was type O blood, and didn't have any antigens, then every type of blood would be able to receive it because the antibodies wouldn't have any antigens to react with so it would be accepted by anyone.

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Q: How might a technique to remove A and B antigens from red blood cells be used to increase the supply of donated blood?
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