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DNA alterations could come in the form of Mutations which can be good or bad depending on many things. Some people would see anything that strays from the norm to be harmful in their species. One might be looked at as not good enough for their kind. I think mutation is also the most important form of genetic change. I think this because without some mutations (In our species) we would all be the same.

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Q: How might alterations in DNA structure be harmful to a species?
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Suppose that a new species of insect were introduced to your area how might competition limit it's dispersal?

If there are similar species, people might not want to take this new species to different areas.

How might the world be different without sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is important because it allows genetic diversity to thrive in a species. On the opposite end of the spectrum, one of the reasons that asexual reproduction is so bad is because the species ends up with multiple copies of the same genes. If those genes happen to be mutations that are harmful, eventually the species will go extinct.

What is the difference between Batesian mimicry and Mullerian mimicry?

Batesian mimicry is when a harmless species or a species that is prey to predators (some textbooks might use the word 'palatable', which means savoury or tasty) copies a harmful species or a species that is not prey to other predators (unpalatable, which means unsavoury, not tasty). On the other hand, a Mullerian mimicry is when TWO (or more) harmful or unpalatable species mimic each other. These animals usually mimic each other's appearances but mimicry can also extend to behaviour. For example, say we have two frogs. One is poisonous and uses aposematic (warning) coloration by being bright blue. One is harmless and bright blue. This is a case of Batesian mimicry. But if both frogs are poisonous and bright blue, this is Mullerian mimicry.

If human species suffered a population crash what are species that might move in to occupy part of the ecological niche?


What do you think might happen in an ecosystem if it lost all of its plants species?

It would soon loose all its animal species too.

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